Focus on the Important Things
S- What sorrow awaits you teachers of religious law and you Pharisees.Hypocrites! For you are careful to to the even the tiniest income fromyour herb gardens, but you ignore the more important aspects of the law- justice, mercy , and faith. You should tithe yes, but do not neglectthe more important things." (Matthew 23:23)
O- Focus less on the small things, and focus on the important things.
A-One of the major themes I see in the Matthew is focusing on theimportant things. In church we tend to focus on the wrong things. Weget so caught up tin the rules and what we should do as a Christian,that we forget what's truly important to Christ. Justice for those whoare being mistreated, mercy for those who need mercy and faith that Godis going to take care up us and others. These are the things thatimportant to Christ, but we forget that sometimes. I need to keep myeyes open to see the things that important to Christ, not just what'simportant to church.
P- God, help to have eyes like you to see the important things in the midst of everything going on in this world.
The Possibility of the Impossible
S- The disciples were astounded. "Then who in the world can be saved?" they asked. Jesus looked at them intently and said, "Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible." (Matthew 19:25-26)
O- There is nothing that we as human beings can do to save someone. It is only through God that the impossible become possible.
A- I've had people in my life that are non-christians that I've worked hard to talk to and minister to, but there's no conversion or even movement toward conversion. It's like their eternal life with Christ is an impossibility. Then I read a verse like this and it reminds me of two things. First that the eternal salvation of someone has little to do with me from a human perspective. It's only God working through me that someone is able to walk towards a life with Christ. Second, God can do anything. When I look at people who I believe are impossible to get through to, I need to remember that with God, it's not impossible. God can and will get through to that person.
P- God, I pray for perseverance. I pray that I can continue to pray for those impossible people in my life. That you would continue to use me and work through me to make the impossible possible.
O- There is nothing that we as human beings can do to save someone. It is only through God that the impossible become possible.
A- I've had people in my life that are non-christians that I've worked hard to talk to and minister to, but there's no conversion or even movement toward conversion. It's like their eternal life with Christ is an impossibility. Then I read a verse like this and it reminds me of two things. First that the eternal salvation of someone has little to do with me from a human perspective. It's only God working through me that someone is able to walk towards a life with Christ. Second, God can do anything. When I look at people who I believe are impossible to get through to, I need to remember that with God, it's not impossible. God can and will get through to that person.
P- God, I pray for perseverance. I pray that I can continue to pray for those impossible people in my life. That you would continue to use me and work through me to make the impossible possible.
The Anti-Culture Revolutionary Jesus
S- "Don't misunderstand why I have come. I did not come to abolish the law of Moses or the writings of the prophets. No, I came to accomplish their purpose." (Matthew 5:17)
O- Jesus came not as someone who was going to make a new world order, but and anti-cultural revolutionary who will fulfill the law that is already written.
A- I read through Matthew 5-7 today. It's traditionally titled Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. He begins by saying that He came to earth not to get rid of the law that was currently there, but to fulfill it. Many times when we read the Bible we don't know the context of the story. At this time God had been silent to the Israelites for some 400 years. In this time the religious duties and voice had been the priests and officials of the temple (pharisees and sadducees). In the midst of God being silent they interpreted the Bible at the time to fulfill their perspective on what God wanted, in the process they created many rules and laws that didn't necessarily coincide with what was originally written by God, but they stressed the need to follow these laws in order to be close to God.
Now this revolutionary teacher Jesus comes onto the scene and throughout the whole New Testament, but more specifically through the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus is teaching how living in the kingdom on God or living a life follow God and His plan is more than just following the laws. My favorite phrase is "You've heard it said. . . But I say. . . " Time and time again Jesus lays out a law that was common at the time but then continues with what the heart of the matter is that Jesus is worried about.
You've heard it say. . . but what I really care about is . . . You've heard it said that lust is bad, but what I really care about is what you look at and what's in your heart. Jesus went beyond the normal laws of the current culture and focused on caring for the people affected by that culture. Many times in the American church we get so focused on whether we're obeying this law or that rule that we forget that what Jesus was worried about was not legalism and following rules, but it was at what was going on in the hearts of the people He interacted with. He was more worried about why they did what they did, rather than the actual action they did. Christ more focused on who we are than what we do.
P- God help me to have your attitude when I interact with people. I want to care for people for who they are rather than what they do. I want to help people be changed from the inside, not just their outside actions. In the same way, show me what and how to change who I am inside to be more in tune with your plan for my life.
Stars in the Sky
S- And the star they had seen in the east guided them to Bethlehem. It went ahead of them and stopped over the place where the child was. (Matthew 2:9)
O- The star that the wise men follow guided them to Jesus.
A- Have you ever thought about the fact that there is a guiding light or a star in everyone's life that guides them to Jesus? For some people it may be several stars, but there's always some guidance to Jesus. That light continues even after we make the decision to meet Jesus. There are events and actions that guide us to Jesus. Whether it's a loved one talking to us about Christ, a celebrity talking on tv. A sermon we hear or a conversation we have. There is a guiding star in each of our lives.
The key is that many times we don't bother to follow the star. Imagine if the wise men didn't follow the star they saw. They wouldn't have experienced the gift of Jesus, God in the flesh. What a missed opportunity. I need make sure I don't miss those opportunities to see God.
P- God continue to show yourself to me. I want to see you and follow you guidance. I know that many times I'll miss an opportunity, but thank you for continuing to pursue me. I love you Jesus.
Bear Traps and Freedom
Posted by
Steve Gold
9:17 AM
S- "Praise the Lord, who did not let their teeth tear us apart! We escaped like a bird from a hunter’s trap. The trap is broken, and we are free! (Psalm 124:6-7)
O- Praise God for not letting Satan take over us. God has saved us and now we don't have to worry about the trap of the enemy.
A- Freedom is a great thing. It's something that we take for granted many times. Can you imagine being told what to do every moment of the day and the consequence of not doing what you were told was death or severe physical punishment? I can't imagine. What I can grasp onto is the fact that God, in his loving kindness has freed us from the bondage of Satan, when we take the step to believe in Him. We are free from Satan because of what God has done.
The imagery for me is as if I was wandering through the forest and I stepped into a bear trap. It's as if my life is over. If the hunter doesn't get me, something else will. But Christ steps in and releases the trap and I'm free to live. Now my only reaction to that is to worship the one who saved me, the one who set me free.
P- Thank you God for setting me free. For giving me life. God thank you for giving of yourself to see me live. I want to live my life in such a way that it bring glory to the one who saved me. Live my life to honor the name of the one who gave me freedom.
Cheerful Giving
S- "You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don't give reluctantly or in response to pressure. "For God loves a person who gives cheerfully.." (2 Cor. 9:7)
O- When we give with generous hearts, God will produce good things from our giving. The key is when we give cheerfully, not out of obligation.
A- Especially right now in our current economic times, giving is a hard thing. Churches all over America are having financial problems, which produces a need based appeal to give. At the same time, the holidays are upon us where the feeling of helping others gets emphasized. We get this overbearing feeling of the need to give, yet when we read in the Bible about God's view of giving we see that giving should be cheerful and from the heart.
It's hard to decide what is giving out of pressure and what is cheerful. I believe when we give in order to see God's love shown to the world around us, that is cheerful as opposed to giving in order to keep up an impression to others.
P- God, I want to be a cheerful giver. Give me the courage to give when you want me to give and the ability to discern your voice in the midst of a pressured culture.
Advent Conspiracy
Alright, so I have no discipline when it comes to blogging, so I've decided to stop trying and only blog when I have something interesting to talk about.
Anyways, this is a promo video for a new series we're doing at Incarnate Faith and also in Junior High. I'm super stoked about it because it really challenges us to think about what we focus on during Christmas and how that is the complete opposite of what Jesus focuses on.
If you want to find out more about Advent Conspiracy, check out the website or come to Incarnate Faith on Sunday nights, 6:00pm.
Advent Conspiracy Promo Video
Anyways, this is a promo video for a new series we're doing at Incarnate Faith and also in Junior High. I'm super stoked about it because it really challenges us to think about what we focus on during Christmas and how that is the complete opposite of what Jesus focuses on.
If you want to find out more about Advent Conspiracy, check out the website or come to Incarnate Faith on Sunday nights, 6:00pm.
Advent Conspiracy Promo Video
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