Death To The Big Youth Ministry Events

Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Alright, so I've been thinking, and I'm tired of doing big events. I'm tired of putting hours and hours of preparation work into a game night or an all nighter, broom hockey and gross out games. I'm tired of having a ton of kids show up to an event, most of which are from other churches, and then nothing change in my weekly service. Why do I have to do it? Where in the Bible does it say "Thou shalt have a big giant event that draws a ton of students?" I'm done, I'm finished with the big event.

I know this might hurt the feelings of some youth workers out there, but I'm just speaking honestly when I say, I don't think the big event mentality and model of ministry is as effective as it was in the past. Granted I believe in fun and that is a valuable part of youth ministry, but I feel like fun can be had in smaller events, just as well as bigger events. What if we spent more time with smaller groups of students, than trying to spend a couple of hours a month with a giant group of students that you don't even get meet most of? Jesus didn't put on big events for His followers. He didn't spend time preparing and planning, He just did ministry and people came to join.

As the school year comes to end and I've planned my summer calendar, I look ahead to the fall and wonder what is the most effective way to do youth ministry in our culture? What's working, what's not working? Any thoughts?

Do We Get It?

S- Matthew 16:15-16 "Then he asked them, "But who do you say I am?" Simon Peter answered, "You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God."

Jesus wanted to know who His disciples thought He was, did they know Him, or not? Did they get it? Peter replied correctly.

A- Have you ever thought about if you really get it?What I mean by that is, do we really get the fact that Jesus is the Messiah, the Savior, the living Christ? He came to save us from the terrible sin that we deserve death for, but He died so we didn't have to experience those consequences. As we live our lives, do we get it? Do we know what that means for our life now? That we can take part in the work of the Messiah here on earth right now today. Who do you say Jesus is? He is the Messiah!

P- God, help me to keep the idea of you as Savior at the forefront of my mind. Help me to not forget it and to see what you are doing on earth around me and join in.

But, I Don't Know Enough

Wednesday, April 23, 2008
S- Matthew 10:19-20 "When you are arrested, don't worry about how to respond or what to say, God will give you the right words at the right time. For it is not you who will be speaking - It will be the Spirit of your Father speaking through you."

O- When Jesus sends out His disciples He tells them to not worry about what to say when they are confronted, (He says WHEN, not IF), because God will be the one speaking through them.

A- How many times have we been confronted about something in the Bible, a question, or a statement, that we don't know the answer to? We freak out. In my experience, this is the number one reason that people don't go out and tell others about Christ, I don't know enough. In the meanwhile, they spend a ton of time studying and studying, but they still don't know enough. Now in this passage, Jesus tells His disciples to go out and tell others. He says when, not if, but when they are confronted to not worry, because God will speak through them. How much more confidence do we need? God, the creator of the universe and the one who know what will happen before it happens, will speak through and for us. All we have to do is step out and go.

P- God, help me to have the courage to let you speak through me. Help me to put aside my insecurities and rely on you.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
S- Matthew 9:11-13 "But when the Pharisees saw this, they asked his disciples, 'why does your teacher eat with such scum?' When Jesus heard this, he said, 'Healthy people don't need a doctor - sick people do.' Then he added, 'Now go and learn the meaning of this Scripture: 'I want you to show mercy, not offer sacrifices.; For I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners.'"

O- When the Pharisees saw Jesus with tax collectors and other sinners, they were appalled because their view of being religious was to not associate with sinners. Jesus challenges them to think about the point of a passage in Hosea 6.6 (NLT) that says "I want you to show love, not sacrifices." He then plainly states that He is here for the sinners not those who think they are righteous.

A- I've been thinking a lot about the conventional church lately. Churches today have a lot to offer from recovery programs, to woman's programs, youth ministries, men's ministries, pet ministries. (Alright, maybe not pet ministries). But we offer so much to so many different people to get them to come to church. The problem is that there are a lot of people out there that won't come to church simply based on the fact that they don't think they're good enough to come. People know they aren't perfect and that they are sinners, but they still won't come to church. In the midst of trying to make our church buildings comfortable for people to come into, I think we've missed the point of needing to go out to the hurting people that no matter how seeker sensitive our churches are, they won't come in the doors, because they don't feel "worthy" to come in.

Think about someone who is sick, say with a self inflicted wound or an STD, something that they had a part in making themselves that way. Even though the one place that can cure them is the doctor's office, the last thing they want to do is admit their guilt and shame in putting themselves in that position. It isn't until someone comes alongside them and helps them move beyond that guilt and shame that they will come to the doctor to get healed. I think it's the same way with us as followers of Christ, we need to go out to those who are hurt and know they need help, but are too ashamed to ask for it. We need to go alongside them, help them move past their guilt and shame and see their need for God, before we bring them into our churches.

P- God help me to identify those that are hurting. Help me see how I can come alongside them and help them experience you. I pray that those people will have the courage to be helped and the humility to admit that they need you.


Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking by Malcom Gladwell

I started this book on my retreat last week and finished it on Friday. Gladwell brings up a lot of interesting thoughts about how we make decisions and how we think and discern thoughts in the unconscience part of our brain. If you've ever had a gut feeling about something that's your unconscience talking. He talks about how those gut feelings we have are usually more accurate than the decisions that take hours and hours of contemplation to make.

Malcom Gladwell brings us some very interesting ideas, ideas that are good to think about when it comes to our decision making and why and how we make the decisions we do. My only critisism is that he stirs up a lot of ideas, but doesn't really come to a conclusion about how to apply these principles to our lives and decision making. All in all, it was a good, thought provoking book. Malcom Gladwell is a brilliant man.

Wake Up!

S- Psalm 59:4-5 "Wake up! See what is happening and help me; O Lord God of Heaven's Armies, the God of Israel, wake up and punish those hostile nations."

O- David is angry with God. It's as if God is asleep in David's life"

A- Have you ever felt like god isn't here? Like God is oblivious to what is going on? When I think about those who are hurting and struggle with AIDS and hunger, war and violence, I feel the way as David did. Wake up God! Do something! Then I think about the fact that there is no way for me to know God's plan or the plan for those who are hurting. All I can do is have faith in God and His Lordship and Sovereignty.

P- God, I pray for those who are hungry today that you would satisfy them. those who are dealing with violence that you would protect them. Show them a glimpse of your plan for them, and how you are Lord and in control.

Books I Read On My Retreat

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Cut by Patrica McCormick

So recently I've been turned onto reading teen fiction. I've also learned that it's best for me to walk into a book store to pick what teen fiction book I want to read because that way I see what is being offered to students (rather than just buying it off of Amazon). Anyways, when I went into Barnes and Noble on Saturday, I was shocked by what saw. Close to 80% of the selection was either about issues such as cutting, drugs, addiction or witchcraft and the occult. It shocked me a little.

So, this is one of the books I read on my retreat.Cut is about a girl who is a cutter in a treatment facility. What is great about this book is that it talks about the process that she went through while she was there, the unfortunate thing is that it never really got down to the reason she cuts.

It does talk about the guilt and the hurt that goes on in families and is a good read to remind those of us in youth ministry why we do what we do.

Go Ask Alice by Anonymous

So when I bought this book, for whatever reason I didn't notice that is old, very old, 1971 old, which is especially old since I was looking to hear about current culture. Anyways, the book is supposedly a true account about an anonymous girl's decent into drugs. It's a diary account which is awkward to read. I enjoyed the first person account of the story and it would be beneficial to read as youth workers or parents that aren't aware of what goes on in the drug culture.

They Like Jesus But Not The Church by Dan Kimball

This is a book that I've been trying to finish reading for about a month now. I finally was able to finish it and am stoked about it. For anyone who doesn't know Dan Kimball is one of the pastors at Vintage Faith Church in Santa Cruz, CA. Dan is one of the pioneers of the missional church movement and has great insight in emerging generations.

The idea of the book is that in our culture, "the church" has a bad name. Non-Christians, want to know about Jesus and are interested in having conversations about Jesus, but they want nothing to do with the church.

One of the biggest realizations for me is the idea that before we can even start to talk to emerging generations about Jesus and salvation, we have to get past the bad reputation we have as Christians and The Church. This book is at the top of my list of books that are shaping the way I do ministry and interact with people as a Christian, it's a must read.

Books That Have Shaped Your Ministry/Spiritual Life

Tuesday, April 15, 2008
What books have shaped and/or helped your ministry and spiritual life?

Any thoughts?

Thank You God

S- Psalm 9:1-2 I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all the marvelous things you have done. I will be flled with joy because of you.

O- David talks about how he sings praises and tells about what God has done in his life. He tells how there is joy because of what God has done.

A- I don't thank God for what He's done in my life enough. I need to make it more of a habit.

P- Thank you for my wife
Thank you for my daughter
Thank you for placing me in a ministry position, where I know you want me.
Thank you for family that wants the best for Me, Heather and our daughter
Thank you for helping us find an apartment so quickly
Thank you for friends who care about me

Hume Lake Retreat

Monday, April 14, 2008
So I'm heading of to Hume Lake in a few minutes to just hang out and get refreshed. Hume has a great program for pastors that allows them to come and stay at Hume for three days for free. Heather and I have gone in the past, but this is the first time I'm going by myself.

For the last year or so, I've been trying to leave twice a year for a personal retreat. I do some reading, praying, try to re-focus myself in ministry and life. These retreats are hard for me because even though I'm an introverted person, I like being around and interacting with people. Anyways, this one seems especially hard when I have a pregnant wife at home and it feels like the last month with having to move and things going on in ministry, has just been crazy.

My hope is that the next three days would be a chance for me to get focused on some crazy ideas of youth ministry that have been floating around in my head. I want to be able get these ideas to the point that I can express them to others so that I can talk about them. Oh yeah, I also have a 5 page paper to write on St. Gregory the Great today. Anyways, pray God will help focus me on this retreat and pray for Heather as she's home the next couple of days, give her a call or send her an email, or hit her up on Facebook if you can.


S- 1 Samuel 15:22 "What is more pleasing to the Lord: your burnt offerings and sacrifices or your obedience to his voice? Listen! Obedience is better than sacrifice, and submission is better than offering the fat of rams."

O- Samuel is telling Saul that his actions aren't pleasing to the Lord, but only his obedience.

A- In ministry and in life, we do a lot of things for God. Whether it's have a big event, preach a sermon, give a homeless man food, or pray for a non-Christian friend.We all have the things we know we should do, but do we do what God tells us to do? Have you ever had a time where you knew God was telling you to do something, and you didn't? I know for me when that happens it doesn't matter what I've done in the past, I know God is sad for me. God wants our obedience, not just our attempts to look good.

God help me to be obedient to you. I want to be able to listen to you and do what you ask, no matter what that is.

The Burden of the Church

Friday, April 11, 2008
S- 2 Corinthians 11:28 Then, besides all this, I have the daily burden of my concern for all the churches.

O- Paul's burden in the midst of all of the other trials he has endured is the burden of the church.

A- I feel jaded at times about the church. I'm a church kid, I've grown up in the church, I've been so encapsulated in the church sub-culture, that it scares me to think if my being a pastor is just the next step for me in the Christian bubble. When I read Paul, he humbles me so much, because I feel so inferior because I don't know if I have the "burden of the church" as much as I'd like. Do I want to see people come to follow Christ? Yes! Do I want people's lives to be transformed? Of course! Do I feel like I have the burden of the church? I don't know.

I don't know, this post is me processing. I know God has put me here for a reason, maybe this is just part of my maturing process.

P- God, I know you want me to have the burden of the church. I don't know what that looks like. Help me to be open to hear from you and experience what you have planned for me and the church.

A Battle To Fight

Thursday, April 10, 2008
S- 2 Corinthians 10:3-4 We are human, but we don't wage war as humans do. "We use God's mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments. We destroy ever proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God."

O- Paul is talking about how as followers of Christ, we are in a battle with Satan, but our battle is not a human battle, but a spiritual battle that needs weapons from God, not humans. As followers of Christ we should use those weapons to break down all the obstacles standing in the way of others knowing Christ.

A- Praying for the lost is something that I don't do enough of. Sure, I pray that people will get to know God and be open to hearing about Him, but doing spiritual warfare and praying for specific obstacles is something that I don't do. I don't know why, even though I know it's something I should be doing.

P- God, I want to pray for the lost and do battle for them. Bring people and obstacles to mind that I can be praying for and battling for.

Do Something

Wednesday, April 09, 2008
S- Judges 6:13-14 "Sir" Gideon replied, "if the Lord is with us, why has all this happened to us? And where are all the miracles our ancestors told us about: Didn't they say, 'The Lord brought us up out of Egypt'? But now the Lord has abandoned us and handed us over to the Midianites." Then the Lord tuned to him and said, "Go with the strength you have, and rescue Israel from the Midianites. I am sending you!"

O- Gideon was sitting and complaining to God about how He wasn't there with Israel and that God had lied to them. He complained about how in trouble Israel was and God was nowhere to be found. Then God simply responds that Gideon was the one to save Israel, that He was sending Gideon.

A- If there is one thing that as a culture we're good at, it's complaining about how bad we have it. We complain about not having enough money, about how our relationships are terrible, the president, the economy, the church, etc. . . We get angry at God because we don't have everything we want, when we want it, so it must be God's fault, because He isn't here. There are times that in the midst of our complaints, God speaks to us and says, "go, do something about it." Then we're floored, because the whole reason for complaining was so we didn't have to do anything about it. I believe that we forget that God has placed us in this place and time in life, to do something about the injustice and problems that we see in life. When we have the blessing of God, we can do anything.

Currently, I'm with a group of people, who have seen a need in the church to reach out to emerging generations (a younger generation that doesn't seem to be connecting with the church). The conclusion is that there's something that the church needs to be doing that it's not doing right now. We've been complaining about it for years, but recently, God has moved in the hearts of a few people to actually go do something about it. Instead of complaining, God said do. So we're starting an emerging church plant within our church. It's weird, it's crazy, exciting and scary, but it's what God has told us to go do.

P- God, I don't just want to sit and complain about how things should be, I want to be a part of them. Use me to change what's going on around me, not just complain about it.

Youth Ministry 3.0

Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Hey, if you're in youth ministry on any level, you have check out this concept for a new book by Mark Oestreicher (the president of Youth Specialties) call Youth Ministry 3.0.

He talks about the idea that youth ministry is at a crucial place in history, at a turning point where if we don't turn with it, we will easily become irrelevant and not as effective as we can be. Mark talks about how we need to change.

I have to agree with Mark. In a lot of ways I've been feeling like the way we've been doing youth ministry, is starting to ineffective. Something needs to change! I have by no means figured it out yet, but I believe Mark is on his way to helping.

The post has 9 parts right now and he's adding to it each day, check it out part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, and part 9. Check out his blog daily for additions to this series.

A Kingdom Perspective

S- "Then Jesus wept." John 11:35

Jesus was near the tomb of His friend Lazarus after he died and this is where He wept. Throughout the whole story Jesus talked about how God would be glorified during this time. What if Jesus wasn't weeping because He was sad, but because no one believed that God would be glorified?

A- How many times do we look at situations at face value. A loved one dies, someone gets cancer, a terrible car accident or a student falls into drug or alcohol addiction. Now don't get me wrong, those are all terrible things, but what we forget about is that there is a bigger picture to what is going on. When Jesus went to the tomb of Lazarus, when He went to meet with Mary and Martha, He knew that Lazarus was going to be alive at the end of the day, but no one else had caught on to Jesus' perspective. Maybe it was because they didn't know Him well enough yet, or maybe it was because they were so caught up in the human perspective of how things happen, that they missed the kingdom perspective of why things happen.

What if the next time when something happens that seems so cut and dry, we step back from our human perspective, and look at it from a kingdom perspective. I would bet that our whole view of that situation would change drastically.

P- God, help me to have a kingdom perspective. Help me to focus on the why not just the how. I want to be able see the world more from your perspective.
Monday, April 07, 2008
SOAP: Taking Jesus For Granted.

S- Luke 2:28-32
Simeon was there. He took the child in his arms and praised God, saying, "Sovereign Lord, now let your servant die in peace, as you have promised. I have seen your salvation, which you have prepared for all people. He is a light of reveal God to the nations, and he is the glory of your people Israel!"

O -
When Simeon met Jesus for the first time, it was amazing for him. It was what he had been waiting for all of his life, to the point that once he met Jesus, he was ready to die.

A- Do I take Jesus for granted? When Simeon met Jesus, he was so overjoyed over who Jesus was and what he represented. He praised God immediately for Him. When I read that I think about how my reaction to opening up my Bible, or reading a book that pertains to Jesus doesn't give me a flood of excitement. Don't get me wrong, there are times that I get excited about something that I read or when I see God moving in the world, but sometime I feel like I've gotten so used to the normal everyday act of following Christ, that I forget about what an exciting, wonderful amazing thing it is to have Jesus here with us. To know that because of Jesus Christ we have a life full of hope and salvation from death. That's something to not take for granted.

P- God, I don't want to take you for granted. Sometimes I get so caught up in what's normal that I forget how wonderful you are. Thank you for all you've done. Amen.