A Kingdom Perspective

Tuesday, April 08, 2008
S- "Then Jesus wept." John 11:35

Jesus was near the tomb of His friend Lazarus after he died and this is where He wept. Throughout the whole story Jesus talked about how God would be glorified during this time. What if Jesus wasn't weeping because He was sad, but because no one believed that God would be glorified?

A- How many times do we look at situations at face value. A loved one dies, someone gets cancer, a terrible car accident or a student falls into drug or alcohol addiction. Now don't get me wrong, those are all terrible things, but what we forget about is that there is a bigger picture to what is going on. When Jesus went to the tomb of Lazarus, when He went to meet with Mary and Martha, He knew that Lazarus was going to be alive at the end of the day, but no one else had caught on to Jesus' perspective. Maybe it was because they didn't know Him well enough yet, or maybe it was because they were so caught up in the human perspective of how things happen, that they missed the kingdom perspective of why things happen.

What if the next time when something happens that seems so cut and dry, we step back from our human perspective, and look at it from a kingdom perspective. I would bet that our whole view of that situation would change drastically.

P- God, help me to have a kingdom perspective. Help me to focus on the why not just the how. I want to be able see the world more from your perspective.