Christian Realism, Which One Are You?

Wednesday, May 28, 2008
I was reading Scot McKnight's blog this morning and was intrigued by an book that he's blogging about. The ideas are what is Christ's view of the culture we live in? Here are the 5 ideas that are presented.

1. Christ against culture: the classic Anabaptist view.
Christ is opposed to the cultural expressions of this world and calls
his followers to another way.

2. Christ above culture: culture is providential; Christ arrives to lift that culture. He points to some in Thomas Aquinas.

3. Christ in paradox with culture: we are called to follow
Christ and dwell in a non-Christian culture. We are citizens of two
worlds. Niebuhr nuances Luther in this view. Another one is Reinhold
Niebuhr, H. Richard’s brother.

4. Christ transforming culture: God calls us to redeem the
world by a missional life. Calvin, English Puritans, Abraham Kuyper (do
I hear Bob Robinson saying “Finally!”?). The work is conversion and
cumulative, constructing institutions, and conquering existing

5. Christ of culture: when Christians begin to see the
culture in which they live to be more or less Christian or see a “happy
reinforcement” of Christian values by culture.

So, where do you stand? I'm caught in between #3 and #4. If you want to read more click here.


Stephanie said...

I have no idea where I stand.

Stephanie said...

I have no idea where I stand.