It's What's Inside That Matters

Tuesday, May 06, 2008
S- Matthew 23:26 "First wash the inside of the cup and the dish, and then the outside will become clean, too."

O- Jesus is telling the Pharisees to make sure the inside of their heart is clean, and their actions will follow.

A- I think that one of the hardest concepts to get past in Christianity is the fact that the rules and laws that are set in the Bible aren't just there to be rules or laws to make us look good. They are there to encourage a standard of life that will one, be honoring to God and two will be an outward sign of the inward change that God has done in our lives. That's why just following a bunch of rules to be a Christian doesn't work. What's the purpose behind those rules? Why do we do that? What difference does it make? The reality is that instead of focusing on what rules we're following so we can look like Christians, let's focus on why we're struggling to work on those issues that lay in our heart. Let's focus on why that rule is there and how we can be more honoring to God by doing it. What's going on inside is more important than what's going on outside.

P- God help me to focus on what's inside my heart, not the outside appearance.