Incarnate Faith

Monday, September 22, 2008
I realized that I haven't blogged much about Incarnate Faith. Incarnate Faith is a church plant of South Valley Community Church. The church is focused on breaking the stereotypes of what church and Christianity has become and moving forward as Jesus' example on earth.

We had our first service on Sunday and it was great. We had a packed house and a great service. There was a lot of people involved in making it happen and I'm glad to be a part of it.

Last night we talked Repainting The Image of God. What if Jesus were to walk into an average american church, what would anger him. Thoughts about the church being self-centered, being manipulative, not being compassionate and being judgmental written on the wall during the sermon.

Afterward, people were challenged to put their hand print on the wall as a way to identify with what angers God and then wash their hands at the foot of the cross as a sign of repentance. It was a powerful time and an exciting beginning.

I'll continue to update you about what goes on at Incarnate Faith. If you are interested in coming, we meet on Sunday nights at 6:00pm.