Monday Morning Update - September 22

Monday, September 22, 2008
What I'm doing right now -
Working in the office. Trying to focus after a long Sunday.

What I did this weekend
This weekend was good. Had a couple of days of hanging out at home. Last night we launched our first service of Incarnate Faith it was a great time, lots of excitement. I'll post more about it later.

Things to do this week
Meet with the interns tonight, watch the season premier of Heroes, plan the rest of my small group leader training, work on core team curriculum and get ready to leave for Portland on Thursday to visit family. Looking forward to that!

Praise of the week
The launch of Incarnate Faith went great. There's a lot of buzz about it and people seemed committed.

Struggle of the week
We're still waiting on house stuff. It's frustrating being in a 1 bedroom apartment with all the stuff that we have. Also, now that the new church has launched, I"m trying to find a balance between being with my family during service and serving. I haven't figured it out yet.

Book I'm reading - I'm going through Crazy Love by Francis Chan with my interns. Also, I'm reading The Tangible Kingdom by Hugh Halter & Matt Smay, No Perfect People Allowed by John Burke and New Moon by Stephanie Myer.