More Incarnate Faith

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
This is a better look at the launch of Incarnate Faith

Josh Groban and the Emmy Awards

Monday, September 22, 2008
Alright, so I'm not a huge Josh Groban fan. I think he has an amazing voice, I just don't like the style of music really. What I want to know is why someone as popular and respected as Josh Groban would do something as silly as sing a compilation of TV theme songs at the Emmy awards. I was sitting watching the awards and I was astonished. I'll be honest, my respect for Josh Groban was lost a little.

Incarnate Faith

I realized that I haven't blogged much about Incarnate Faith. Incarnate Faith is a church plant of South Valley Community Church. The church is focused on breaking the stereotypes of what church and Christianity has become and moving forward as Jesus' example on earth.

We had our first service on Sunday and it was great. We had a packed house and a great service. There was a lot of people involved in making it happen and I'm glad to be a part of it.

Last night we talked Repainting The Image of God. What if Jesus were to walk into an average american church, what would anger him. Thoughts about the church being self-centered, being manipulative, not being compassionate and being judgmental written on the wall during the sermon.

Afterward, people were challenged to put their hand print on the wall as a way to identify with what angers God and then wash their hands at the foot of the cross as a sign of repentance. It was a powerful time and an exciting beginning.

I'll continue to update you about what goes on at Incarnate Faith. If you are interested in coming, we meet on Sunday nights at 6:00pm.

Monday Morning Update - September 22

What I'm doing right now -
Working in the office. Trying to focus after a long Sunday.

What I did this weekend
This weekend was good. Had a couple of days of hanging out at home. Last night we launched our first service of Incarnate Faith it was a great time, lots of excitement. I'll post more about it later.

Things to do this week
Meet with the interns tonight, watch the season premier of Heroes, plan the rest of my small group leader training, work on core team curriculum and get ready to leave for Portland on Thursday to visit family. Looking forward to that!

Praise of the week
The launch of Incarnate Faith went great. There's a lot of buzz about it and people seemed committed.

Struggle of the week
We're still waiting on house stuff. It's frustrating being in a 1 bedroom apartment with all the stuff that we have. Also, now that the new church has launched, I"m trying to find a balance between being with my family during service and serving. I haven't figured it out yet.

Book I'm reading - I'm going through Crazy Love by Francis Chan with my interns. Also, I'm reading The Tangible Kingdom by Hugh Halter & Matt Smay, No Perfect People Allowed by John Burke and New Moon by Stephanie Myer.

How Long Could You Survive Chained to a Bunk Bed with a Velociraptor?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Monday Morning Update - September 15

Monday, September 15, 2008
What I'm doing right now -
Monday tends to be my work out of the office day, so I'm at First Street Coffee doing some work.

What I did this weekend
- Had a pretty chill weekend. Hung out at home a lot, ran a couple of errands and did church stuff Sunday.Met my parents for dinner on Friday. One cool thing was that my grandma came over on Saturday to spend time with Abigail. Watching my daughter with her great grandma is a cool experience. I'm looking forward to introducing Abigail to my grandma in Oregon later this month.

Things to do this week
- Intern meeting tonight, we need to plan our next event, Frantic Photo Frenzy. I'm also finishing up our small group training material and starting material for our core student leadership team.

Praise of the week
- I feel like God is doing some really cool things in the junior high ministry. We're rethinking the way we do evangelism and challenging our students to serve.

Struggle of the week
- I think our biggest struggle right now is dealing with house stuff. We've been waiting for the last 3 weeks for an answer to our offer, there's one other offer in. We're supposed to have an answer by Friday, so pray that if this is the right house for us that it would work out.

Book I'm reading - I'm going through Crazy Love by Francis Chan with my interns. It's a great book.

A Need To Blog - Monday, September 8

Monday, September 08, 2008
Ok, so blogging and me have had a love/hate relationship lately. I love to blog because I love to share what is going on in my heart and my life, but at the same time I hate it because I'm lazy and it's just something else for me to do. But, because I think it's something good for me to do, I'm going to commit to at least once a week. On Monday morning I'm going to update with what's going on in my life right now.

What I'm doing right now - Working at First Street Coffee because I don't like to work at my office all the time. Decent coffee, good community vibe and free wifi make this my office away from the office.

What I did this weekend - This weekend was busy. I spent most of Friday in San Jose running errands and going to a b-day party for Linda Bonham. It was fun to connect with people I haven't seen in a while and enjoy a good meal and great conversation. Sunday after church we went to look at houses again. House hunting is annoying. Then we went to Incarnate Faith last night and it was an encouragement to see the crew of people God has brought together to launch this great church in Gilroy.

Things to do this week - I've got an intern meeting tonight, small group leader training on Wednesday which I haven't finished training material for, and I'm teaching at the PWCA chapel on Thursday. Not to mention preparing for my sermon on Sunday. Busy, busy, busy.

Praise of the week - I haven't talked about my new daughter on my blog yet so my praise for this week is Abigail Elyse Gold. It's amazing to be a dad, a little unreal still, but fun. It's been great to see her smile and make funny noises in her sleep and see Heather be a great mom. If you haven't seen pictures yet, you can see them here.

Struggle of the week - House hunting sucks. We have an offer in on a house and haven't heard anything for a couple of weeks. We looked at more houses yesterday and found a great house, but it's not on a great street. We really want the house we put an offer in on, but are struggling with patience. I hate it when God challenges my patience.

Book I'm reading - I'm going through Crazy Love by Francis Chan with my interns. It's a great book.

Guidance or Approval?

S- Jeremiah 42:19-20 “Listen, you remnant of Judah. The Lord has told you: ‘Do not go to Egypt!’ Don’t forget this warning I have given you today. For you were not being honest when you sent me to pray to the Lord."

You come to god asking for his will, but you don't want his will, you want his approval for what you want to do.

A- How many times in our lives, do we go to God with a "request" or a question for
god, but we don't really want to know what he has to say, we only want approval for what we want to do. It's crazy because we go to an all powerful wonderful God, but we aren't willing to give up control of our life to let him guide us. We're too pridful to let God control our lives. It would be amazing to go to God and really ask him for advice and guidance, without any pre-concieved notions to what we want God to tell us.

P- god, I want to be open to your guidance. I don't want to come to you with decision in my mind already. Help me to keep an open mind to hear from you.