Who's Your Timothy? Who's Your Paul?

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

S- But you, Timothy, certainly know what I teach, and how I live, and what my purpose in life is. You know my faith, my patience, my love, and my endurance. (2 Timothy 3:10)

O- Timothy knew the life, heart and passion of Paul, because he spent time with him and did ministry with him.

A- We all need a Timothy, we all need a Paul. We need someone who we are building into and someone who is building into us. I think that one of the biggest problems as a pastor that I face is that I have Timothys, I'm expected to and enjoy having Timothys. The problem comes when I don't have a Paul. I need someone who can not only speak into my life, but someone that I can do ministry and life with and who can speak into my life. Balance comes when we have people whose lives we are speaking into and are speaking into us. 

P- God, thank you for the people you've put into my life as my Timothys and Pauls. Help me to continue to seek these people out and guide me to lead and be led by them.

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